30-Minute Dog Sledding Adventure

This 45-minute experience is designed for people who want to dip their toes and get a feel for dog mushing. Satisfy your craving for adventure by getting a thrilling glimpse of our Alaskan dog sledding tradition!

  • Join us for a half hour jaunt down our pristine winter trail over mixed terrain of tundra, black spruce stands and ponds. Experience the excitement and power of a team of well trained Alaskan Huskies as they sprint forward towing you on an adventure! Keep your eyes open for wildlife, our woods are full of moose, winter birds, rabbit and fox.

  • SEASON: December 1st 2024 - March 31st 2025

    CAPACITY/SLED: 400 pounds

    CAPCITY/TOUR: 4 person minimum

  • TOUR DURATION: 45-minutes

    TRAIL MILEAGE: 3.5 miles

    TRAIL TIME: 25 - 30 Minutes

  • Adult: $125
    Child: $125; Ages 3-8
    Lap Child: Free; Ages 0-2

    To learn how we calculate our tour prices, please review the following:


    1. FOOD: Alaskan Huskies work hard, so as you can imagine they eat A LOT. In order to keep our working canine athletes at a healthy weight, mushers order dog food by the TON (1 TON = 2,000 lbs).  Depending on the size of the kennel, mushers purchase approximately 2 - 6 TONS of dog food per year.

      Annual Food Costs per dog: ± $800
      Annual Food Costs per kennel: ± $19,000 - $38,000
      *These prices are an average and vary depending on kennel and inflation.

      To read the comprehensive price breakdown, see below.

    2. VETERINARY CARE: Alaskan Huskies are long distance canine athletes. They require countless hours and miles of training and conditioning in order to do what they do. This also means they require the best veterinary care that we can provide them—This includes (but not limited to) annual vaccinations & deworming to chiropractic adjustments & cold laser therapy.

      Annual Veterinary care per dog: ± $500
      Annual Veterinary care per kennel: ± $12,000 - $24,000

      *These prices are an average and vary depending on kennel and inflation.

      To read the comprehensive price breakdown, see below.

    3. SHORT WORK SEASON: Alaskan Huskies are a Northern breed, meaning they are adapted to the extreme cold winter climate of the interior of Alaska. Summer temperatures in Fairbanks can reach up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit through June and July. These temperatures are too hot for an Alaskan Husky to work. Thus, mushers earn the majority of their means to care for their dogs during the winter months.

      Including puppies, in-harness working dogs & retired dogs, but excluding dog yard & dog sled maintenance, dog and musher gear, race fees and various other expenses.

      Kennel Size of 24 dogs - Recreational 
      ± $31,000 Total

      Kennel Size 36 dogs - Small Racing Kennel
      ± $46,000 Total

      Kennel Size 48 dogs - Large Racing Kennel
      ± $62,000 TotaL

      To read the comprehensive price breakdown, see below.



    4 cups = 1 pound
    1 pound kibble / day / dog
    40 pounds / bag of Kibble = 40 days / dog
    8 months = 240 days / year
    240 days ➗ 40 days = 6 bags / dog
    $60 / bag x 6 bags = $360 / dog

    2 cups = 1/2 pound
    1/2 pound kibble / dog / day
    40 pound ➗ ½ lb = 80 days / bag
    4 months / year = 120 days
    120 days ➗ 80 days = 1.5 bags / dog 
    $40 / bag x 1.5 bags = $60 / dog

    $0.50 / Fish
    1 dog = 1 fish / day
    8 months  = 240 days / year
    $0.50 / fish x 240 days = $120

    $1.00 / pound
    1 dog / 1 pound / day
    8 months = 240 days
    Beef / dog / year = $240


    Vet visits $350
    Medications + Antibiotics $60
    Deworming: $50
    Annual Vaccinations $15 / shot
    3-Year Rabies Shots $15 / shot


  • 1. How many people per sled? The number of people per sled is based on comfort and weight. The most we seat are two adults and one child, but sometimes it’s more comfortable to just sit one. If the weight of two adults is over 400lbs, then each adult will need to purchase their own sled ($300/sled).

    2. We’re from a warm climate, will we be cold on this tour? Not only do we provide our guests with cold weather gear, but our sleds are enclosed in a zippered sled bag to block the wind, with reindeer hides and blankets for added warmth.

    3. Do we join other guests? Our tours are private. The maximum amount of travelers we host during each given time slot is 4, yet each reservation operates independently of each other. Additionally each sled of two is assigned their own personal professional guide. Tours are conducted at a leisurely pace, without the added burden of lines nor the nuisance of waiting.

    4. How many dogs will be on our team? The size of the team is at the guides discrepancy and is based on current trail conditions. A slower softer trail might entice the guide to hook-up 10 huskies, where as a fast hard packed trail might require the guide to reduce the dog power to 8 huskies.

    5. What kind of sled dogs do we work with? Our guides have all chosen to work with the Alaskan Husky. You will most definitely hear all about this phenomenal breed during your tour, but to soothe your curiosity at the moment—The Alaskan Husky is the most modern form of sled dog. They stem from the traditional sled dogs (i.e.malamutes & Siberian huskies) and crossed into other working class dogs with a focus on speed and endurance.

    6. Will we be able to see? Yes! We provide our guests with headlamps (if needed) so you can see down the trail.

  • General Cancellations: A full refund will be issued if the cancellation is received before 7 days of the tour. A 20% cancellation fee will be charged to cancellations inside 7 days. No refunds will be issued if the cancellation is less than 24 hours prior to the tour. Day of booking cancellations will not be refunded. No shows will be charged in full. 

    Covid Cancellations: A positive covid test result with the date is required to issue a full refund. If no contact is made prior to the tour start time, no refunds will be issued.

    Emergency Cancellations: If guests have an emergent case, please notify us immediately to explain the situation. Proof may be requested to receive a full refund.

    Overdue Arrivals: Guests arriving 15-29 minutes late are subject to an altered tour to ensure guides remain on the schedule (this could result in a shorter trail time or less interaction with the dogs). Guests arriving in excess of 30 minutes late for a day tour will forfeit their tour and be charged in full. Guests arriving late for an aurora tour will still adhere to the time allotment of the original tour schedule and will not exceed the tour conclusion of midnight.


What to expect

MEET THE TEAM: Get introduced to each member of your furry team.
Expect a breathtaking landscape and capture beautiful photos from the sled.
TRAIL: Mush along the world famous 1,000-Mile Yukon Quest Trail.

mushing alaska dog sledding

What’s Included

WINTER GEAR: Parka, boots, bibs & hats
WARMING HUT: Get outfitted in our wood heated Mongolian Yurt. Warm up after the mush in 80 degrees Fahrenheit after being kissed by the frost on the mush.
GIFT SHOP: Shop for your Alaskan souvenir in our Alaska Made gift shop.

Mushing Alaska Fairbanks

Not Included

TRANSPORTATION: Guests must procure their own private transport.
Hats, mitts & neck warmers.
BEVERAGES: We recommend bringing a thermos of water.