Explore the Arctic by dog sled

Experience the magic of the Arctic in April, with long days, lingering sunsets, snow capped mountains, hidden mammoth tusks, migrating caribou, and shimmering spring aurora on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Head north for a 5 day dog sledding retreat based in the heart of the world's highest mountain range above the Arctic Circle: the Brooks Range. Our destination is an off grid boutique wilderness retreat center situated between the dramatic mountains of Gates of the Arctic National Park and the banks of the Koyukuk River in the historic gold rush community of Wiseman, Alaska. Here, in this spectacular location, is where we will base the next few days of dog sledding, aurora viewing, and (optional) yoga.

5-Day Itinerary

Day 1: Basecamp Bound

We will pick you up between 8 and 8:30 a.m. to begin our journey north.* Our destination for the day is Wisemen, a charming little Gold Rush town in the heart of the Brooks Range, 7-9 hours away. Our first stop will be for breakfast at Mocha Dan's: our favorite coffee drive through stand. Just outside Fairbanks we'll stop at Hilltop Gas Station to fuel up the truck and pick up some slices of their famous pie for the road. Leaving Hilltop, we will travel through the beautiful rolling hills of Interior Alaska to the Yukon River. After crossing the mighty Yukon, the terrain alternates between wide open tundra, sometimes dotted with towering granite monoliths called tors, and thickly forested river valleys. We will stop at the Arctic Circle and stretch our legs. Soon after crossing the Arctic Circle into the Land of the Midnight Sun, we will see our first striking views of the Brooks Range. Depending on road conditions, we may be able to take the time to stop at additional interesting waypoints along the route like Yukon River Camp, Finger Mountain, or Gobbler's Knob. Once we reach Wiseman, we will unload our bags and trek to our accommodations for the week: an off grid wilderness retreat set in the hillside above Wiseman. After we get settled in our cabins we will meet together in the main Igloo Lodge for a family-style dinner.

  • Meals: Lunch and Dinner

  • Accommodations: Shared cabin accommodations (2 people per cabin)

  • Milage: 275 miles (car)

* The drive will likely be replaced with a flight seeing tour to Coldfoot + car transfer to Wiseman at no additional cost; itinerary to be confirmed March 2023. 

Expedition Alaska Dod Mushing Caribou Viewing

Days 2-4: Dog Sledding in the Alaskan Arctic

fter breakfast, we will go over gear and then head outside for our first mushing lesson. Meet your dog team and learn how to harness and hook up the dogs. After a brief orientation we will take off for a day trip along one of the historic mountain or river trails that surround Wiseman. The next few days are devoted solely to dog sledding. We will explore the tundra and creek valleys surrounding our camp. We will play in the shadows of the mountains, and search for dropped caribou antlers. Where we shall go depends on the weather, snow conditions, and our desires! If we are lucky, the sun will shine bright late into the evening, inviting long lunches with warm afternoon naps on soft tundra peaks. During April, the Central Arctic Caribou Herd is heading from the mountains to their calving grounds near the Arctic Coast. Keep an eye out for migrating caribou herds on the horizon, and the tracks of large predators that may follow them (bear, wolf). Each night we will gather together in the main Igloo for a family style dinner. 

  • Meals: Breakfast at lodge, Picnics on trail, Dinner at the Lodge.

  • Mileage: 10-30 miles a day.

Yoga Outdoors ALASKA


We will pack our bags and enjoy a leisurely breakfast before walking back out to the parking lot and beginning the 30 minute journey south to the Coldfoot Airport. Check-in by 1:30pm for your flight seeing trip to Fairbanks which departs Coldfoot at 3:30 PM and arrives in Fairbanks at 4:30 PM (Exact flight time to be confirmed April 2023).

Meals: Breakfast at Camp. Bagged Lunch at Coldfoot. You will need to arrange your own dinner.

Accommodations: You will need to find your own accommodations for this night.

Transportation: You will need to find your own transportation from the Fairbanks airport to your accommodations.

Mileage: 275 miles by air.

Frequently asked Questions

Siberian Huskies Alaska

Photo by Whitney McLaren

Is this trip right for me?

Are you an adventurous soul?  A dog lover? Do you love winter? Are you desirous of a closer connection to nature?  Answer yes to any one of these?  Then yes!  This trip might be perfect for you! 

No previous mushing experience is required. We will teach you everything you need to know to feel comfortable and equipped for your days on the trail. 

​That being said, dog mushing is a physical activity...from harnessing dogs to standing on the sled all day, you will need to be reasonably able-bodied in order to fully enjoy this experience. This five day trip goes deep into the heart of a wilderness area. Sections of trail are steep and technical. If you are hesitant about your ability to manage a dog team, please contact Lisbet & she will guide you through a series of questions designed to evaluate your abilities. You are probably better suited for this than you think. 

You do not need previous experience with cold weather climates, but you will need to equip yourself with a proper set of winter base layers in order to ensure your comfort and safety. Even though it is spring in Alaska, weather and temperatures can still be harsh and unpredictable. We will provide you with a list of suggested & required gear -- your comfort is our utmost concern ! 

Northern Lights Tours Alaska

Photo by ADAC

When is the best time to see the aurora?

Although the northern lights can be viewed in Fairbanks from August through April even at Kp0,* your chance of seeing the lights increases when the skies are clear.  March, followed by April & February, are historically the months with the lowest precipitation in Fairbanks, meaning clear skies and good chances of spotting the aurora. The northern lights are caused by charged particles from the sun (solar wind) hitting the Earth’s magnetosphere. Around the equinoxes (fall and spring), the Earth’s axis is side-on to the sun, which happens to sync with the magnetic field of the solar wind. That means that during the equinoxes in March and September, charged particles are more likely to be accelerated down the field lines of Earth’s magnetosphere, causing the northern lights.** 

​*Kp is used to measure aurora strength. 

**There is no guarantee we will see the northern lights. While regularly observed in Fairbanks, they are still an unpredictable natural phenomenon highly dependent on
weather and cloud cover. We can guarantee: good food, tasty snacks, amazing scenery, comfortable cabin accommodations and lots of time with our amazing huskies!

Dog Sledding Alaska Tour

Photo by ADAC

Will i drive my own dog team?

Yes. You will drive and be responsible for your own small team of 4-6 dogs. On orientation day, your professional dog sledding guide will introduce you to your team, and give you a lesson on how to drive the sled. You will learn how to harness a sled dog, and how to slow and stop your team. Your guide drives their own team just ahead of you, keeping an eye on the dogs, the trail, and your progress.




Pricing is all-inclusive. This means it includes travel to and from your hotel to the Arctic, meals, snacks, linens, cold weather gear + accommodations. 

✔ Dog mushing lessons

✔ Drive your own dog team

✔ Parka, snow pants, boots, mittens

✔ Shared accommodations in boutique Arctic wilderness retreat (2 pp per cabin).

✔ Hotel/airport pickup and drop off

✔ Alaskan-inspired meals and snacks

✔ Basic photography instruction


We can cater for some food allergies or vegetarians/vegans if you specify your dietary requirements on your Trip Registration Form.


  • Flights: You will need to book flights, details will be provided after you register.

  • Pre and Post Trip Hotel in Fairbanks

  • Insurance: You MUST have travel insurance. Instructions will be provided after you register.

  • Alcohol: Alcohol is not included in the price.


Simply click the available date below and register for the tour you will then be prompted to pay your $999 deposit which will guarantee your spot on the trip.

Your Balance Due must be paid 60 days prior to departure or your deposit will be forfeit. 


2023 Dates

Terms & Conditions

See full terms and conditions here.