Read this agreement thoroughly and carefully before booking a multi-day trip with us.



The terms and conditions set forth in this agreement constitute the entire understanding and agreement between you the trip “Participant” and Arctic Dog Adventure Company  “ADAC” with respect to any and all bookings, tours or transactions made with Arctic Dog Adventure Company


By submitting a booking form, you accept all of the terms in this agreement and direct us to perform services on your behalf. All persons named in this booking (“Participants”) are subject to this agreement. By signing this agreement, you affirm that you have made all other Participants listed in the booking aware of these terms – regardless of how final payment is made – and that all Participants accept these terms.



You may reserve space on a tour by paying a non-refundable $999 deposit. A booking is accepted and becomes definite only from the date when ADAC sends a written confirmation of acceptance after submission of our online registration form and receipt of the applicable deposit amount. 


Booking on Behalf of Others

You may pay the deposit and/or final balance for another trip participant(s) but are not permitted to fill out a trip registration form, medical questionnaire, consent form, or liability waiver for another person (unless a minor). Every person participating in an ADAC trip must personally complete the trip registration form with their own unique email address (unless a minor) and confirm their personal information and agreement of these terms. 


By booking on behalf of other participants, you are deemed to be the designated contact person for every participant included on that booking. This means that you are responsible for making all payments due in connection with your tour booking, notifying ADAC if any changes or cancellations are required, and keeping your party informed.


Age Requirements

Anyone under the age of 18 on the date of travel is considered to be a minor. Minors must always be accompanied by an adult. One adult may accompany up to two minors. Unless otherwise indicated by Arctic Dog Adventure Co, the minimum age for minors traveling on any tour is 12 years old. All bookings with a minor are subject to review and approval by ADAC. If the consent of a parent, guardian or any other person is required by applicable law for any minor to travel, the accompanying adult is responsible for securing all consents, documentation and ensuring that they and the minor(s) meet all legal requirements to travel, to enter into and depart from applicable countries and regions. 


ADAC will not be responsible for any fees, damages, or losses incurred as a result of any failure to secure necessary consents, permits, and approvals.


Each adult on a booking with a minor or minor(s) is responsible for the behavior, wellbeing, supervision and monitoring of such minor(s), and jointly and accepts these Terms for and on behalf of any minor(s) on their booking, including all assumptions of risk and limitations of liability. ADAC does not provide care services for minors and expressly disclaims any responsibility for chaperoning or controlling any minor(s).


By booking on behalf of any minors, you are deemed to be the designated contact person for every participant included on that booking and take full responsibility for the accuracy of all information provided on their behalf.



For multi-day trips, a non-refundable deposit of $999USD per person is required at the time of booking. Final payment is due 60 days prior to tour start date. If your booking is made within 60 days of tour start date, the entire tour cost must be paid at time of booking. Deposits are payable online or by calling (907) 841-4694. Deposits become credit if you cancel your trip 61 days or more before the trip. See below for credit details.


Acceptance of Booking & Final Payment

As a condition of booking, you must provide the information requested by ADAC (registration form, liability waiver, etc) along with final payment. If you fail to supply information required by ADAC, you will also be liable for any costs, fees, or losses including failure to obtain or provide that inclusion. In the event that you fail to supply essential information required by ADAC, we also reserve the right to treat your booking (or the relevant component of your booking) as cancelled and levy any cancellation fees deemed reasonable by ADAC, in its sole discretion. ADAC will not be held responsible for any fees you incur as a result of errors, omissions, inaccuracies, late, misplaced, or otherwise incomplete information you have provided.


The payment of the final balance of the tour price is due 60 days prior to the trip start date in the currency advertised. The final balance payment will be sent as an email invoice to the designated contact person. If a booking is made within 60 days of departure, then the total trip price is due at time of booking. If the final balance is not received by the due date (60 days in advance of the trip start date), then rates and tour space cannot be guaranteed and ADAC may send written notification to the Participant of the trip cancellation. Deposit will be forfeited.


Cancellations by Participant and Refunds

Any cancellation by a Participant must be made in writing (via email to and be acknowledged by ADAC in writing (via email). Immediately after written confirmation of cancellation the spot on the trip will be released and not guaranteed to be available for rebooking.​

  • If you cancel 61 days or more days before the trip start date, your deposit becomes a credit. Any optional extra balance payments may be refunded. See below for credit details.

  • No refund applies for Participant initiated cancellations received 31 days or more to trip date. Your deposit and final payment counts as credit. See below for credit details.

  • No refund and no credit for Participant initiated cancellations within 30 days of trip start date.

  • If you cancel due to having COVID-19 or “flu-like symptoms” within 14 days of the trip start, we will hold 100% of monies paid by you in connection to the booking as credit if your cancellation is supported by a medical certificate. See below for credit details.


No refunds will be provided for any unused portion of a tour once the tour begins, including if you leave a tour for any reason or have to be removed from a tour. There are no exceptions to this cancellation and refund policy, including for reasons related to weather, terrorism, civil strife, personal, family or medical emergencies or any other circumstances beyond our control. 



Credits are valid for the year of the original trip and the next calendar year. All credits must be applied to the new trip booking balance by Dec 31 in the year following the originally booked trip date. Credit may be transferred to another person. You may find another person to take your spot. They pay you directly for the deposit and assume responsibility for any outstanding balance payments. The replacement participant must meet trip registration requirements and be approved to join the trip by ADAC. Credit transfers may only be applied to new trip bookings. Credits may be used towards the final balance of another trip, applied at 60 days in advance of the trip start date.


Cancellations or Changes by Arctic Dog Adventure Company

We reserve the right to cancel, alter or modify any tour without prior notice for any reason. You acknowledge that the amenities, accommodations, transportation, route, schedule, and itinerary may change without prior notice due to local circumstances or events, which may include mechanical breakdown, flight cancellations, illness, strikes, political disputes, weather, border crossing problems, and other unforeseeable factors. If, prior to departure, we make a significant change because of a problem with a supplier, we will, as soon as reasonably possible, notify you of available alternatives.  


If you book a tour that is cancelled due to Force Majeure (including the COVID-19 pandemic) you will receive a credit of 100% of monies paid to use towards an alternative tour with a departure date in the current or next calendar year.  No refunds will be provided due to cancellations or changes due to Force Majeure.


If a tour is canceled by ADAC before the agreed date of departure for any reason other than Force Majeure or the fault of the Participant, the Participant can either take a substitute tour of equivalent or higher price if ADAC is able and willing to offer such a substitute and pay any difference in price between the price of the tour originally purchased and that of the substitute tour; or take a substitute tour of lower price if ADAC is able and willing to offer one and to recover from ADAC the difference in price between the tour originally purchased and that of the substitute tour; or receive a full refund of all monies paid under the contract as soon as possible. This refund will constitute full settlement of claims you may have arising out of our cancellation.


Price Adjustments

The quoted tour price is based on costs in effect at the time you sign this agreement. We reserve the right to increase the quoted price after booking if inflation, costs of fuel, labor or materials, airfares, supplier costs, currency exchange rates, tariffs, government fees, and admission charges change. You agree to and will pay for any price increase.


No Refunds for Personal Expenses

You will not be reimbursed for any personal expenses such as airfare, hotel or other travel expenses due to changes in itineraries or tour cancellations.



Arctic Dog Adventure Company acts only as an intermediary for the various independent suppliers that provide lodging, meals, transportation, sightseeing, activities or other goods and services connected with your tour (“Supplier” or “Suppliers”). You acknowledge that you are aware and clearly understand that these Suppliers are independent contractors, are not managed by Arctic Dog Adventure Company, and are not agents or employees of Arctic Dog Adventure Company. A Supplier’s services are subject to the Supplier’s own terms and conditions and the local laws and regulations of the relevant country. Arctic Dog Adventure Company will not provide any refund for a Supplier’s delay, cancellation, overbooking, or strike.


Force Majeure

Arctic Dog Adventure Company will not be deemed in breach of this agreement or otherwise liable to you, by reason of delay in performance or nonperformance of any of its obligations under this agreement to the extent that any such delay or nonperformance is due to any Force Majeure. “Force Majeure” means any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Arctic Dog Adventure Company, including without limitation acts of God, terrorist activities, insurrection, explosion, flood, tempest, forceful wind, fire or accident, war or threat of war declared or undeclared, sabotage, civil disturbance, labor strikes, requisition, sickness, quarantine, government intervention, weather conditions, and unforeseen circumstances.


If Arctic Dog Adventure Company and/or any of its Suppliers are affected by Force Majeure, they shall be entitled to, and may in their sole discretion, vary or cancel any itinerary or arrangement in relation to the tour. Regarding civil unrest, once Arctic Dog Adventure Company has investigated the prevailing situation, as it deems fit, it shall remain in its sole and absolute discretion whether to proceed with the tour.  


Travel & Health Insurance

The tour price does not include travel insurance. We require you show proof of trip insurance, and we strongly recommend that you purchase comprehensive travel insurance, covering trip interruption and cancellation, baggage, accident/life, evacuation, repatriation and other expenses which might arise as a result of loss, damage, injury, delay or inconvenience occurring to you. You agree to assume all costs of medical care and transportation. As such, we require that you purchase travel-related medical insurance if your current medical policy does not cover you during your tour. This insurance must cover personal injury and emergency medical expenses including, but not limited to, helicopter evacuation, air ambulance, and repatriation. You must provide Proof of Health Insurance on your medical questionnaire during the trip preparation process or you will be declined participation. We recommend SafetyWing and WorldNomads.


Pre-Departure Documentation

It is important that you carefully read all trip-related documents that you receive from us as soon as you receive them. It is your responsibility to contact us if any information is incorrect. This agreement, a waiver of liability and assumption of risk agreement, a medical questionnaire and, if required, a medical statement or certification must be signed and submitted by you. If you fail to submit this and other necessary documentation prior to departure, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you and impose the cancellation fees described in this agreement.


Passports and Visas 

You are responsible for ensuring that all necessary travel documents are valid and effective and in your possession for the entire tour. Passports are required for all U.S. citizens traveling abroad and should be valid for at least 6 months after your date of return. We suggest you apply for or renew a passport early. Other required documents may include visas, permits, and vaccination certificates. You assume complete and full responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements. You are also solely responsible for any adverse consequences resulting from incomplete or defective documentation. While we may provide information or advice on matters such as visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage, and special equipment in good faith as a courtesy to you, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions as to the information provided.  


Health Requirements and Medical Care

Our tours are physically active, with varying levels of demands and fitness requirements depending on the specific itinerary. By signing this agreement, you represent that you do not have any physical or other conditions that would create a hazard for you or other Participants or affect other people’s enjoyment of the tour. If you are over the age of 65 and have a pre-existing medical condition, you must have your doctor complete our medical statement. If you do not return the completed statement to us by the specified deadline, we reserve the right to prohibit you from departing on the tour and to charge a cancellation fee. If you have a physical condition, dietary restrictions, or other conditions that will require special attention during the tour, you must inform us in writing when the booking is made. We may require a medical certificate if you have a special condition. We reserve the right in our sole discretion to accept, decline, or remove anyone from a tour (at departure or during the tour) who we judge to be incapable of meeting the tour’s physical demands.  


Arctic Dog Adventure Company assumes no responsibility for any medical care provided to you. You agree to assume all costs of medical care and related transportation that are provided to you during the tour.  


Complaint Procedure

If you have a complaint during your tour, you must promptly notify Arctic Dog Adventure Company or your tour leader of the problem so that they can attempt to remedy the situation. Failure to do so while you are on the tour will extinguish or reduce your ability to claim compensation from Arctic Dog Adventure Company. Further, if you attempt to address the problem on your own without using this notice procedure, you assume responsibility for any added costs you may incur and forfeit any potential refunds.


If you are not satisfied after using this notice procedure, you must submit your complaint in writing to Arctic Dog Adventure Company within two days of the tour’s end date. Arctic Dog Adventure Company will not accept any liability for claims received after this period.


Tour Start Date

It is your responsibility to be ready to embark on the tour as specified in the itinerary. Arctic Dog Adventure Company is not responsible for any losses due to cancelled or missed flights, changed flight itineraries, late arrivals, or early departures.


Compliance with Local Laws and Tour Etiquette

You must strictly comply with all local laws, respect local customs and culture, accurately assess your abilities, respect other trip members’ privacy, and follow the suggestions and advice of any assigned guide. The decision of the local guide or local supplier is final on all matters that may threaten the safety or interfere with the well-being of others. During the tour, Arctic Dog Adventure Company or the local guide/supplier has the right in its sole discretion to remove anyone a) who it judges to be incapable of meeting the demands and requirements of participating in the tour activities; or b) who it determines to detract from others’ enjoyment of the tour with no right of refund in either case. 


COVID Statement of Understanding

COVID-19 is a serious virus with potentially deadly consequences. At Arctic Dog Adventure Company we take your safety and the safety of our staff, partners and the communities in which we operate seriously. We need your help and commitment to help keep us all safe.


Please carefully read through the following COVID-19 terms and conditions before booking a trip with Arctic Dog Adventure Co. By joining any trip run by ADAC you agree to the following:


1. I recognize and accept that Arctic Dog Adventure Company is doing their best to ensure the safety of the group, their staff and the communities in which they operate and I will support them however I can in this mission.

2. I recognize and accept that Arctic Dog Adventure Company cannot guarantee I will not be exposed to the virus.

3. I will respect and abide by the procedures, recommendations and directions of my guides and Arctic Dog Adventure Company at all times.

4. If I am feeling or showing any signs or symptoms of illness and or COVID-19* before my tour I will immediately contact and inform Arctic Dog Adventure Company of my status and will not travel nor attend the tour.

5. If I am feeling or showing any signs or symptoms of illness and or COVID-19* during my tour, I will disclose this to the guides and follow their instructions.

6. I agree to follow and respect the policies and procedures of the local accommodation providers, transportation providers, restaurants and shops on my travels to help keep everyone safe.

7. I will keep a 6 foot distance from all Arctic Dog Adventure Company guides, other trip participants and community members unless wearing a mask or it is an emergency.

8. I will wear a mask when instructed by the guides and/or anytime physical distancing cannot be maintained.

9. I will practice good hand hygiene, washing or sanitizing frequently and especially after using the washroom and before eating.

10. I recognize and accept that if the guide determines I may be ill, I will be put into strict isolation until such a time that I can be safely transported from the tour and to a place for continued isolation and testing. I recognize and accept that this may mean not participating in the remainder of my tour, incurring travel expenses and being responsible for any other costs associated with isolation measures after leaving the tour eg. Hotel rooms, meals, car rentals etc.

11. I recognize and accept that if the guide determines that someone in my ADAC travel group may be ill, this may result in the trip being cut short for the entire group. I recognize and accept that this may mean not participating in the remainder of my tour, incurring travel expenses and being responsible for any other costs associated with isolation measures after leaving the tour eg. hotel rooms, meals, car rentals, etc.

12. If I am feeling or showing any signs or symptoms or are diagnosed with COVID-19 anytime up to 14 days after my tour, I will contact the Arctic Dog Adventure Company office as soon as possible so that those I came into contact with can be notified to obtain testing and go into precautionary self-isolation.


*Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

    •    Fever (temperature greater than 98.6°F/37°C)

    •    Cough

    •    Fatigue

    •    Difficulty breathing

    •    Muscle aches and pains

    •    Stuffy or runny nose

    •    Sore throat

    •    Loss of taste or smell


Alcohol and Drugs

Responsible alcohol consumption is tolerated on multi day trips provided it does not interfere with dog sledding during the day. ADAC does not tolerate any trip participant to be under the influence of alcohol while participating in dog sledding. If your guide thinks that you are not in the appropriate condition to undertake the activity, for any reason, she has the right to decline your participation or may suggest a modified approach. The use of illegal substances/drugs is not permitted and any use of these will result in being evicted from the trip at your own expense. We encourage a non-smoking environment around group members and smokers are asked to puff in private and away from the sled dogs.

Images Release

You agree that Arctic Dog Adventure Company may use, re-use and reproduce any images, photos or videos that you send to us, or that are taken by our guides and/or other travelers of you individually or in a group, in any medium, including but not limited to print, electronic media, or Internet, free of charge and without your right to inspection, for promoting and publicizing our travel products and services worldwide. If you do not want us to use any images of you that are taken by us or other participants during the tour, you must inform us or your tour leader in writing at the start of the tour.


Limitation of Remedies 

You agree that the sole remedy for any default by [insert company name] arising under this agreement shall be the return of the paid tour cost. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, [insert company name] shall not be liable for any special, consequential, indirect, incidental or other damages arising out of or in any way connected to this agreement, including lost profits, whether such damages arise in contract, negligence, tort, under statute, in equity, at law, or otherwise, even if [insert company name] has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You expressly waive any right you may have to recover such damages.


Acceptance of Risk

By booking a trip, you acknowledge that adventure travel and the products and services offered by ADAC may involve a significant amount of risk to your health and safety. By traveling with ADAC you acknowledge that you have considered any potential risks to health and safety. You hereby assume responsibility for all such risk and releases ADAC from all claims and causes of action arising from any losses, damages or injuries or death resulting from risks inherent in travel, including adventure travel specifically, and participating in adventurous activities such as those included in Tour itineraries or otherwise offered by ADAC.


You acknowledge that the degree and nature of personal risk involved depends on the products or services booked and the location(s) in which a product or service operates, and that there may be a significant degree of personal risk involved in participating, particularly participating in physical activities, travel to remote locations, dog sledding, participation in “extreme sports” or other high-risk activities, or travel to regions with developing infrastructure. 


Standards of hygiene, accommodation, and transport in certain regions where tours take place are often lower than the standards you may reasonably expect in your home country or region.


You acknowledge that you are choosing to travel at a time where you may be exposed to the COVID-19 virus. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure your safety and may require you to follow additional safety protocols on your trip.


You agree that ADAC is not responsible for providing information or guidance with respect to local customs, weather conditions, specific safety concerns, physical challenges, or laws in effect in any locations where a Tour, product or service is operated. You acknowledge you have considered the potential risks, dangers, and challenges and your own personal capabilities and needs, and you expressly assume the risks associated with travel under such conditions.


You must at all times strictly comply with all applicable laws and regulations of all countries and regions. Should you fail to comply with the above or commit any illegal act when on Tour or, if in the opinion of ADAC (acting reasonably), your behavior is causing or is likely to cause danger, distress or material annoyance to others, ADAC may terminate your travel arrangements on any product or service immediately at your expense and without any liability on ADAC’s part. You will not be entitled to any refund for unused or missed services or costs incurred as a result of termination of your travel arrangements, including, without limitation, return travel, accommodations, meals, and incidentals.


You are responsible for any costs (including repair, replacement, and cleaning fees) incurred by ADAC or ADAC’s suppliers for property damage, destruction, or theft caused by you while on a tour. You agree to immediately report any pre-existing damage to a representative of ADAC and staff of the accommodation, transportation service, or facility as soon as possible upon discovery.

You agree to take all prudent measures in relation to your own safety while on tour including, but not limited to, the proper use of safety devices (including seat belts) and obeying all posted signs and oral or written warnings regarding health and safety. Neither ADAC nor its Third Party Suppliers (as defined herein) are liable for loss or damages caused by your failure to comply with safety instructions or warnings.



If any provision of this agreement shall be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render the agreement unenforceable or invalid as a whole. Such unenforceable provision will be replaced with one that is valid and enforceable and which achieves, to the extent possible, the original objectives and intent of the original provision.


Successors and Assigns

This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon Arctic Dog Adventure Company and the Participant and their respective heirs, legal personal representatives, successors and assigns.


Updating of Terms and Conditions 

Arctic Dog Adventure Company reserves the right to update and/or alter these terms and conditions at any time. It is your responsibility to be familiar with these terms and conditions. The latest terms and conditions can be found on the Arctic Dog Adventure Company website


Binding Arbitration

I agree that any dispute concerning, relating, or referring to this agreement, Arctic Dog Adventure Company’s tour brochures or any other materials that concern my tour, the tour itself, or any claim for damages due to property injury, bodily injury or death which occurs during or in connection with my tour, shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration. The binding arbitration shall take place in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Such proceedings will be governed by substantive (but not procedural)Alaska law. The arbitrator and not any federal, state or local court or agency shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, conscionability, or formation of this contract, including but not limited to any claim that all or any of this contract is void or voidable.



This Agreement is the final, complete and exclusive statement of the parties’ agreement on the matters contained in this agreement. It supersedes all previous negotiations and agreements.



Read this agreement thoroughly and carefully before booking a 2 Hour Drive Your Own Dog Team Tour with us.


The terms and conditions set forth in this agreement constitute the entire understanding and agreement between you the trip “Participant” and Arctic Dog Adventure Company  “ADAC” with respect to any and all bookings, tours or transactions made with Arctic Dog Adventure Company


By submitting a booking form, you accept all of the terms in this agreement and direct us to perform services on your behalf. All persons named in this booking (“Participants”) are subject to this agreement. By signing this agreement, you affirm that you have made all other Participants listed in the booking aware of these terms – regardless of how final payment is made – and that all Participants accept these terms.



You may reserve a tour by paying in full at time of booking and submitting our online booking form. A booking is accepted and becomes definite only from the date when ADAC sends a written confirmation of acceptance, after submission of our online registration form and receipt of the applicable payment amount.


Booking on behalf of others

You may pay the balance for another trip participant(s) but are not permitted to fill out a registration form or liability waiver for another person (unless a minor). Every person participating in an ADAC trip must personally complete the trip registration form with their own unique email address (unless a minor), or in person, and confirm their personal information and agreement of these terms. 


By booking on behalf of other participants, you are deemed to be the designated contact person for every participant included on that booking. This means that you are responsible for making all payments due in connection with your tour booking, notifying ADAC if any changes or cancellations are required, and keeping your party informed.


Age Requirements

Anyone under the age of 18 on the date of first travel is considered to be a minor. Minors must always be accompanied by an adult. One adult may accompany up to two minors. Unless otherwise indicated by Arctic Dog Adventure Co, the minimum age for minors traveling on any tour is 12 years old. All bookings with a minor are subject to review and approval by ADAC. If the consent of a parent, guardian or any other person is required by applicable law for any minor to travel, the accompanying adult is responsible for securing all consents, documentation and ensuring that they and the minor(s) meet all legal requirements to travel, to enter into and depart from applicable countries and regions. 


ADAC will not be responsible for any fees, damages, or losses incurred as a result of any failure to secure necessary consents, permits, and approvals.


Each adult on a booking with a minor or minor(s) is responsible for the behavior, wellbeing, supervision and monitoring of such minor(s), and jointly and accepts these Terms for and on behalf of any minor(s) on their booking, including all assumptions of risk and limitations of liability. ADAC does not provide care services for minors and expressly disclaims any responsibility for chaperoning or controlling any minor(s).


By booking on behalf of any minors, you are deemed to be the designated contact person for every participant included on that booking and take full responsibility for the accuracy of all information provided on their behalf.


Cancellations by Participant and Refunds

Any cancellation by a Participant must be made in writing (via email to and be acknowledged by ADAC in writing (via email). Immediately after written confirmation of cancellation the spot on the trip will be released and not guaranteed to be available for rebooking.

  • A full refund will be issued for cancellations received more than 30 days from trip date.

  • No refund applies for Participant initiated cancellations received less than 30 days prior to trip date, but payment will be considered credit. See details on credit below. 

  • If you cancel due to having COVID-19 or “flu-like symptoms” within 14 days of the trip start, we will refund 100% of monies paid by you in connection to the booking as credit if your cancellation is supported by a medical certificate.


No refunds will be provided for any unused portion of a tour once the tour begins, including if you leave a tour for any reason or have to be removed from a tour. There are no exceptions to this cancellation and refund policy, including for reasons related to weather, terrorism, civil strife, personal, family or medical emergencies or any other circumstances beyond our control. For this reason, we strongly encourage you to purchase trip cancellation and interruption insurance.



Credits are valid for the year of the original trip and the next calendar year. All credits must be applied to the new trip booking balance by Dec 31 in the year following the originally booked trip date. Credit may be transferred to another person. You may find another person to take your spot. They pay you directly for the credit. The replacement participant must meet trip registration requirements and be approved to join the trip by ADAC.


Cancellations or Changes by Arctic Dog Adventure Company

We reserve the right to cancel, alter or modify any tour without prior notice for any reason. You acknowledge that the amenities, accommodations, transportation, route, schedule, and itinerary may change without prior notice due to local circumstances or events, which may include mechanical breakdown, flight cancellations, illness, strikes, political disputes, weather, border crossing problems, and other unforeseeable factors. If, prior to departure, we make a significant change because of a problem with a supplier, we will, as soon as reasonably possible, notify you of available alternatives.  


If you book a tour that is cancelled due to Force Majeure (including the COVID-19 pandemic) you will receive a credit of 100% of monies paid to use towards an alternative tour with a departure date in the current or next calendar year.  No refunds will be provided due to cancellations or changes due to Force Majeure.


If a tour is canceled by ADAC before the agreed date of departure for any reason other than Force Majeure or the fault of the Participant, the Participant can either take a substitute tour of equivalent or higher price if ADAC is able and willing to offer such a substitute and pay any difference in price between the price of the tour originally purchased and that of the substitute tour; or take a substitute tour of lower price if ADAC is able and willing to offer one and to recover from ADAC the difference in price between the tour originally purchased and that of the substitute tour; or receive a full refund of all monies paid under the contract as soon as possible. This refund will constitute full settlement of claims you may have arising out of our cancellation.


No Refunds for Personal Expenses

You will not be reimbursed for any personal expenses such as airfare, hotel or other travel expenses due to changes in itineraries or tour cancellations.



Arctic Dog Adventure Company acts only as an intermediary for the various independent suppliers that provide lodging, meals, transportation, sightseeing, activities or other goods and services connected with your tour (“Supplier” or “Suppliers”). You acknowledge that you are aware and clearly understand that these Suppliers are independent contractors, are not managed by Arctic Dog Adventure Company, and are not agents or employees of Arctic Dog Adventure Company. A Supplier’s services are subject to the Supplier’s own terms and conditions and the local laws and regulations of the relevant country. Arctic Dog Adventure Company will not provide any refund for a Supplier’s delay, cancellation, overbooking, or strike.


Force Majeure

Arctic Dog Adventure Company will not be deemed in breach of this agreement or otherwise liable to you, by reason of delay in performance or nonperformance of any of its obligations under this agreement to the extent that any such delay or nonperformance is due to any Force Majeure. “Force Majeure” means any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Arctic Dog Adventure Company, including without limitation acts of God, terrorist activities, insurrection, explosion, flood, tempest, forceful wind, fire or accident, war or threat of war declared or undeclared, sabotage, civil disturbance, labor strikes, requisition, sickness, quarantine, government intervention, weather conditions, and unforeseen circumstances.


If Arctic Dog Adventure Company and/or any of its Suppliers are affected by Force Majeure, they shall be entitled to, and may in their sole discretion, vary or cancel any itinerary or arrangement in relation to the tour. Regarding civil unrest, once Arctic Dog Adventure Company has investigated the prevailing situation, as it deems fit, it shall remain in its sole and absolute discretion whether to proceed with the tour.  


Travel & Health Insurance

The tour price does not include travel insurance. We strongly recommend that you purchase comprehensive travel insurance, covering trip interruption and cancellation, baggage, accident/life, evacuation, repatriation and other expenses which might arise as a result of loss, damage, injury, delay or inconvenience occurring to you. You agree to assume all costs of medical care and transportation. As such, we require that you purchase travel-related medical insurance if your current medical policy does not cover you during your tour. This insurance must cover personal injury and emergency medical expenses including, but not limited to, helicopter evacuation, air ambulance, and repatriation. You must provide Proof of Health Insurance on your medical questionnaire during the trip booking process or you will be declined participation.


Pre-Departure Documentation

It is important that you carefully read all trip-related documents that you receive from us as soon as you receive them. It is your responsibility to contact us if any information is incorrect. This agreement, a waiver of liability and assumption of risk agreement, a medical questionnaire and, if required, a medical statement or certification must be signed and submitted by you. If you fail to submit this and other necessary documentation prior to departure, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you and impose the cancellation fees described in this agreement.


Passports and Visas 

You are responsible for ensuring that all necessary travel documents are valid and effective and in your possession for the entire tour. Other required documents may include visas, permits, and vaccination certificates. You assume complete and full responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements. You are also solely responsible for any adverse consequences resulting from incomplete or defective documentation. While we may provide information or advice on matters such as visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage, and special equipment in good faith as a courtesy to you, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions as to the information provided.  


Health Requirements and Medical Care

Our tours are physically active, with varying levels of demands and fitness requirements depending on the specific itinerary. By signing this agreement, you represent that you do not have any physical or other conditions that would create a hazard for you or other Participants or affect other people’s enjoyment of the tour. If you are over the age of 65 and have a pre-existing medical condition, you must complete our medical statement. If you do not return the completed statement to us by the specified deadline, we reserve the right to prohibit you from departing on the tour and to charge a cancellation fee. If you have a physical condition, dietary restrictions, or other conditions that will require special attention during the tour, you must inform us in writing when the booking is made. We may require a medical certificate if you have a special condition. We reserve the right in our sole discretion to accept, decline, or remove anyone from a tour (at departure or during the tour) who we judge to be incapable of meeting the tour’s physical demands.  


Arctic Dog Adventure Company assumes no responsibility for any medical care provided to you. You agree to assume all costs of medical care and related transportation that are provided to you during the tour.  


Complaint Procedure

If you have a complaint during your tour, you must promptly notify Arctic Dog Adventure Company or your tour leader of the problem so that they can attempt to remedy the situation. Failure to do so while you are on the tour will extinguish or reduce your ability to claim compensation from Arctic Dog Adventure Company. Further, if you attempt to address the problem on your own without using this notice procedure, you assume responsibility for any added costs you may incur and forfeit any potential refunds.


If you are not satisfied after using this notice procedure, you must submit your complaint in writing to Arctic Dog Adventure Company within one day of the tour’s end date. Arctic Dog Adventure Company will not accept any liability for claims received after this period.


Tour Start Date

It is your responsibility to be ready to embark on the tour at the time specified on the booking confirmation. Arctic Dog Adventure Company is not responsible for any losses due to cancelled or missed flights, changed flight itineraries, late arrivals, or early departures. If you do not make your tour on time, we will not refund payment, but we will issue your a credit and reschedule your tour at no extra cost.


Compliance with Local Laws and Tour Etiquette

You must strictly comply with all local laws, respect local customs and culture, accurately assess your abilities, respect other trip members’ privacy, and follow the suggestions and advice of any assigned guide. The decision of the local guide or local supplier is final on all matters that may threaten the safety or interfere with the well-being of others. During the tour, Arctic Dog Adventure Company or the local guide/supplier has the right in its sole discretion to remove anyone a) who it judges to be incapable of meeting the demands and requirements of participating in the tour activities; or b) who it determines to detract from others’ enjoyment of the tour with no right of refund in either case. 


COVID Statement of Understanding

COVID-19 is a serious virus with potentially deadly consequences. At Arctic Dog Adventure Company we take your safety and the safety of our staff, partners and the communities in which we operate seriously. We need your help and commitment to help keep us all safe.


Please carefully read through the following COVID-19 terms and conditions before booking a trip with Arctic Dog Adventure Co. By joining any trip run by ADAC you agree to the following:


1. I recognize and accept that Arctic Dog Adventure Company is doing their best to ensure the safety of the group, their staff and the communities in which they operate and I will support them however I can in this mission.

2. I recognize and accept that Arctic Dog Adventure Company cannot guarantee I will not be exposed to the virus.

3. I will respect and abide by the procedures, recommendations and directions of my guides and Arctic Dog Adventure Company at all times.

4. If I am feeling or showing any signs or symptoms of illness and or COVID-19* before my tour I will immediately contact and inform Arctic Dog Adventure Company of my status and will not travel nor attend the tour.

5. If I am feeling or showing any signs or symptoms of illness and or COVID-19* during my tour, I will disclose this to the guides and follow their instructions.

6. I agree to follow and respect the policies and procedures of the local accommodation providers, transportation providers, restaurants and shops on my travels to help keep everyone safe.

7. I will keep a 6 foot distance from all Arctic Dog Adventure Company guides, other trip participants and community members unless wearing a mask or it is an emergency.

8. I will wear a mask when instructed by the guides and/or anytime physical distancing cannot be maintained.

9. I will practice good hand hygiene, washing or sanitizing frequently and especially after using the washroom and before eating.

10. I recognize and accept that if the guide determines I may be ill, I will be put into strict isolation until such a time that I can be safely transported from the tour and to a place for continued isolation and testing. I recognize and accept that this may mean not participating in the remainder of my tour, incurring travel expenses and being responsible for any other costs associated with isolation measures after leaving the tour eg. Hotel rooms, meals, car rentals etc.

11. I recognize and accept that if the guide determines that someone in my ADAC travel group may be ill, this may result in the trip being cut short for the entire group. I recognize and accept that this may mean not participating in the remainder of my tour, incurring travel expenses and being responsible for any other costs associated with isolation measures after leaving the tour eg. hotel rooms, meals, car rentals, etc.

12. If I am feeling or showing any signs or symptoms or are diagnosed with COVID-19 anytime up to 14 days after my tour, I will contact the Arctic Dog Adventure Company office as soon as possible so that those I came into contact with can be notified to obtain testing and go into precautionary self-isolation.


*Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

    •    Fever (temperature greater than 98.6°F/37°C)

    •    Cough

    •    Fatigue

    •    Difficulty breathing

    •    Muscle aches and pains

    •    Stuffy or runny nose

    •    Sore throat

    •    Loss of taste or smell


Alcohol and Drugs

ADAC does not tolerate any day trip participant to be under the influence of alcohol while participating in dog sledding. If your guide thinks that you are not in the appropriate condition to undertake the activity, for any reason, they have the right to decline your participation or may suggest a modified approach. The use of illegal substances/drugs is not permitted and any use of these will result in being evicted from the trip at your own expense. We encourage a non-smoking environment and smokers are asked to puff in private and away from the sled dogs.

Images Release

You agree that Arctic Dog Adventure Company may use, re-use and reproduce any images, photos or videos that you send to us, or that are taken by our guides and/or other travelers of you individually or in a group, in any medium, including but not limited to print, electronic media, or Internet, free of charge and without your right to inspection, for promoting and publicizing our travel products and services worldwide. If you do not want us to use any images of you that are taken by us or other participants during the tour, you must inform us or your tour leader in writing at the start of the tour.


Limitation of Remedies

You agree that the sole remedy for any default by Arctic Dog Adventure Company arising under this agreement shall be the return of the paid tour cost. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, Arctic Dog Adventure Company shall not be liable for any special, consequential, indirect, incidental or other damages arising out of or in any way connected to this agreement, including lost profits, whether such damages arise in contract, negligence, tort, under statute, in equity, at law, or otherwise, even if Arctic Dog Adventure Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You expressly waive any right you may have to recover such damages.


Acceptance of Risk

By booking a trip, you acknowledge that adventure travel and the products and services offered by ADAC may involve a significant amount of risk to your health and safety. By traveling with ADAC you acknowledge that you have considered any potential risks to health and safety. You hereby assume responsibility for all such risk and releases ADAC from all claims and causes of action arising from any losses, damages or injuries or death resulting from risks inherent in travel, including adventure travel specifically, and participating in adventurous activities such as those included in Tour itineraries or otherwise offered by ADAC.


You acknowledge that the degree and nature of personal risk involved depends on the products or services booked and the location(s) in which a product or service operates, and that there may be a significant degree of personal risk involved in participating, particularly participating in physical activities, travel to remote locations, dog sledding, participation in “extreme sports” or other high-risk activities, or travel to regions with developing infrastructure. 


Standards of hygiene, accommodation, and transport in certain regions where tours take place are often lower than the standards you may reasonably expect in your home country or region.


You acknowledge that you are choosing to travel at a time where you may be exposed to the COVID-19 virus. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure your safety and may require you to follow additional safety protocols on your trip.


You agree that ADAC is not responsible for providing information or guidance with respect to local customs, weather conditions, specific safety concerns, physical challenges, or laws in effect in any locations where a Tour, product or service is operated. You acknowledge you have considered the potential risks, dangers, and challenges and your own personal capabilities and needs, and you expressly assume the risks associated with travel under such conditions.


You must at all times strictly comply with all applicable laws and regulations of all countries and regions. Should you fail to comply with the above or commit any illegal act when on Tour or, if in the opinion of ADAC (acting reasonably), your behavior is causing or is likely to cause danger, distress or material annoyance to others, ADAC may terminate your travel arrangements on any product or service immediately at your expense and without any liability on ADAC’s part. You will not be entitled to any refund for unused or missed services or costs incurred as a result of termination of your travel arrangements, including, without limitation, return travel, accommodations, meals, and incidentals.


You are responsible for any costs (including repair, replacement, and cleaning fees) incurred by ADAC or ADAC’s suppliers for property damage, destruction, or theft caused by you while on a tour. You agree to immediately report any pre-existing damage to a representative of ADAC and staff of the accommodation, transportation service, or facility as soon as possible upon discovery.

You agree to take all prudent measures in relation to your own safety while on tour including, but not limited to, the proper use of safety devices (including seat belts) and obeying all posted signs and oral or written warnings regarding health and safety. Neither ADAC nor its Third Party Suppliers (as defined herein) are liable for loss or damages caused by your failure to comply with safety instructions or warnings.



 If any provision of this agreement shall be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render the agreement unenforceable or invalid as a whole. Such unenforceable provision will be replaced with one that is valid and enforceable and which achieves, to the extent possible, the original objectives and intent of the original provision.


Successors and Assigns

 This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon Arctic Dog Adventure Company and the Participant and their respective heirs, legal personal representatives, successors and assigns.


Updating of Terms and Conditions

Arctic Dog Adventure Company reserves the right to update and/or alter these terms and conditions at any time. It is your responsibility to be familiar with these terms and conditions. The latest terms and conditions can be found on the Arctic Dog Adventure Company website


Binding Arbitration

I agree that any dispute concerning, relating, or referring to this agreement, Arctic Dog Adventure Company’s tour brochures or any other materials that concern my tour, the tour itself, or any claim for damages due to property injury, bodily injury or death which occurs during or in connection with my tour, shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration. The binding arbitration shall take place in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Such proceedings will be governed by substantive (but not procedural)Alaska law. The arbitrator and not any federal, state or local court or agency shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, conscionability, or formation of this contract, including but not limited to any claim that all or any of this contract is void or voidable.



This Agreement is the final, complete and exclusive statement of the parties’ agreement on the matters contained in this agreement. It supersedes all previous negotiations and agreements.